The organisation’s objectives are :

  • To take every street child off the street in South Africa to a safe haven in their own township to ensure that they are not totally alienated from their background and heritage.
  • To restore their lives to fullness through TPM Counselling.( Transformational Prayer Ministry Counselling)
  •        To counsel their families so that they can be restored to them.  If that is not possible, they will be educated in these sanctuaries and helped to reach their full God-given potential.
  • They will be taught life skills, as well as practical entrepreneurial skills to generate income, through various projects such as woodwork, sewing, candle making, soap making, cooking, bee-keeping and intensive vegetable growing to be able to provide for themselves and their families.
  • To obtain the same international protection status as the Red Cross in order to offer the best total protection under International Law.
  • In order to instil good Christian values and ethics in these children, we will honour God  in all we do and  remember the wisdom of the song:

“ What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and grief’s to bear,
What a privilege to carry,
Everything to God in prayer.”   

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